In my cubicle we have a special needs person sitting with us. “Rain man” is a genius when it comes to math, statistics and facts but lacks in the social skills department. He’s a very nice guy and he also enjoys singing. I like having him in my cubicle.
Well, one day I was checking his work and spotted some errors. So I went to his desk to ask him a few questions.
“Hey “Rain man” (FYI: I didn’t really call him this. I called him by first name but I am referring to him as so only on here), I got a couple questions for you.” He had his earphones on and he didn’t respond. So I gently knocked on his desk to get his attention. *knock knock knock*
He ripped his earphones off and abruptly stood up. I’m 5’4” and this guy is maybe 6’1”. He then proceeded to pound his fists on his desk. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* His eyes were huge and he said in a very loud, almost shouting voice, “Why do you have to knock on my desk?”
“You had your headphones on and didn’t respond when I was calling your name. I thought it might get your attention…” It worked but not in the way I was expecting. I didn’t think it would anger or upset him. I totally didn’t think he would react that way. But I guess with special people you never know. “Anyways, I got a couple question about your work. Can you come to my desk so I can show you?”
After I started talking about work, he calmed down and went back to his normal self. But if you saw my face, you would have seen the fear. And if you checked my undies, you’d probably find a log or two. I was seriously ready to take a punch in the face when he stood up.